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Welcome to Grant*idotes

Looking for a quick stress break? Come here for good humor, good stories, and good writing.

Not for Profit

What do you do when you discover information that might sink your organization and your career — reveal it or bury it?

Good Neighbors

Permit me to introduce myself. My name is Doctor Gonzales. I live across the street, just there. I wish to welcome you to our good… Read More »Good Neighbors

A New Backpack

“I think I’ll just wait here now,” Annie said. She opened the inside door and stood there looking through the screen door at the mid-May leaves on the trees. “It’s not time to go to school yet,” I said. “You have ten more minutes. Why don’t you come sit in my lap and wait until… Read More »A New Backpack

Saving College Money

Did you know you can get a university diploma without spending a fortune or taking on a huge student debt?

Driving Tips for Old Folks

Useful tips for elderly drivers to follow before their car gets taken away.